Wednesday 27 November 2013


I was in my school and this was first period when my class teacher Mr. Manan Prasad said in my class that 15th august was coming so who could give a speech on that occasion in english. Suddenly he turned to me and said,"Gupta! can you....?" this was because, I am his one of the most favourite students. At this situation only for Mr. M.Pd. I totally forgot that I was planing not to go school on 15th Aug. and replied,"Yes." And from here the cause of my guilt begins.

6-7 DAYS BEFORE 15th AUG. 2012
I was thinking that by saying that I am unable to come to school on 15 I could take my name back from 15th Aug. speech and I tried for it. Again Mr. M.Pd. asked me,"Gupta! Is your speech ready?" I said,"Sir! there's a problem." SIR-"Yeah! Tell me!" ME- "Sir I am unable to attend college on 15th Aug. Can you....." SIR (frequently)-"No!No! My dear! you can't step back. This is a matter of our reputation."
 Then I said,"Okay sir! No problem! I'll be ready."

Morning at 10:30 I went to Maths coaching and stayed there till 1:30pm. Then went to Armapur for using net with Shiv Pratap and Nitesh.
I went to net for two reasons:-
(i) I had to collect a Pay in Slip for a form registration.
(ii) To compel a speech on 15th Aug. through internet.
I succeed in both of above till 2:30 and back to my home at 3:00pm.

MONDAY 13th AUG. 2012
At morning, I became very sick and was suffering from really high fever so I didn't go to college. Before 10:30 I found my health to be good. So I attended my classes of evening from 5:00pm to 8:00pm without any problem. Now it was time for the Maths and I found suddenly my health seeming not so good. In the class, I requested to turn off the fan and was trembling from fever even the fan was off. But I read read till 10:00pm in a very bad condition. When I went to home I just took medicine and without taking food I slept. My Mom-Dad was so tense from my this condition but what could I do?

TUESDAY-14th AUG.2012
At morning I got the call of Mr. M.Pd. at pairs of minute after my awakening. He said,"Yeah! Akanshu. why are you not attending school since yesterday? You also haven't show me your speech. Is it ready?" I replied,"Yes Sir! It is ready but my health is not too good to attend the college." I was shocked by his next line as he didn't care or ask about my health and started saying,"Are you trying to say that you are not going to attend the 15th Aug. function." I said,"No Sir! I don't mean so. I'll try my best to attend the function tomorrow." And he said,"Okay." and and cut the call without asking anything about my health. Strange! I'm his favourite student.

I was sure that I was going to attend the function as I  was saying to my friends to surely attend the function because I'm going to give a speech and I attended it.
I reached there. My friends Kavita and Sapna asked me,"Why was you not present last two days?" I told about my illness.then Kavita said,"Oh! I see, you were very ill in R.K. Sir's coaching." She replied in the manner that I was trying to lie. Then Sapna told me that Mr. M.Pd. is calling us. We both rushed there. He asked Sapna,"Is your speech ready?" Sapna repliad in positive. Then he asked me the same question. I replied that I've not perfectly prepared it but I can do it. He said," What happen! you were not coming!" I said," No Sir! I didn't said that. I said I'll try my all." He said," No! No! Don't lie you are here to get the prize. Not to give speech." I tried to say him that his statement was wrong. But he again said."All boys are same." Then I lost my temper and said," So you think , I'm here for gift. So just take your gift and I'm going."
I came back in anger. I was thinking that I did nothing wrong.
I came out with a friend of mine, Rahul Kumar Maurya. Then I came to home. I was tremendously tensed and angry. My Mom got it and asked me what had hapened. I said nothing. But after a long while I told to my mom and wept.



I was sure what I have to do. At the morning, usually Mr. Manan came to class and taught us. And after teaching when he was going to staff-room, I caught him and said," Sir! I am really sorry for what I did on 15th August. I insulted you just because you said that but sir you were also not right, I came there only for delivering a speech. Please, Forgive me."
Sir replied," No problem my dear, I know you are a good boy and sometimes misunderstandings occurs. I Don't feel that on my heart. No problem."

And I was so happy because I realized my guilt and begged pardon for it.
"My guilt was insulting sir. And I realized that whatever Sir said to me was due to anger and he even don't knew about my health so anybody even me could do the same thing."THERE WAS NO FAULT OF SIR.

Written on:- 17th december 2012; 3:17 pm.