Wednesday 25 November 2015

Solution for Blocked torrents:

Hello Everyone!

This is Akanshu again. My todays post is very important for all those college students whose college has banned the torrents.
There is a unique solution available online to download torrents via direct links.
Seedr downloads torrents for you on there cloud storage and convert it to direct link that can be easily downloaded. It's server speed is awesome. It works great for me.
Give it a try and have fun...

Tuesday 24 February 2015

A question from an Software Engineer...

An Engineering Student must read....
As the dream of most parents I had acquired a degree in
Software Engineering and joined a company based in USA, the
land of braves and opportunity. When I arrived in the USA, it
was as if a dream had come true.

Here at last I was in the place where I want to be. I decided I
would be staying in this country for about Five years in which
time I would have earned enough money to settle down in India.
My father was a government employee and after his retirement,
the only asset he could acquire was a decent one bedroom flat.
I wanted to do some thing more than him. I started feeling
homesick and lonely as the time passed. I used to call home and
speak to my parents every week using cheap international phone
cards. Two years passed, two years of Burgers at McDonald's and
pizzas and discos and 2 years watching the foreign exchange
rate getting happy whenever the Rupee value went down.
Finally I decided to get married. Told my parents that I have
only 10 days of holidays and everything must be done within
these 10 days. I got my ticket booked in the cheapest flight.
Was jubilant and was actually enjoying hopping for gifts for
all my friends back home. If I miss anyone then there will be
talks. After reaching home I spent home one week going through
all the photographs of girls and as the time was getting
shorter I was forced to select one candidate.
In-laws told me, to my surprise, that I would have to get
married in 2-3 days, as I will not get anymore holidays. After
the marriage, it was time to return to USA, after giving some
money to my parents and telling the neighbors to look after
them, we returned to USA.
My wife enjoyed this country for about two months and then she
started feeling lonely. The frequency of calling India
increased to twice in a week sometimes 3 times a week. Our
savings started diminishing.
After two more years we started to
have kids. Two lovely kids, a boy and a girl, were gifted to us
by the almighty. Every time I spoke to my parents, they asked
me to come to India so that they can see their grand-children.
Every year I decide to go to India… But part work part
monetary conditions prevented it. Years went by and visiting
India was a distant dream. Then suddenly one day I got a
message that my parents were seriously sick. I tried but I
couldn't get any holidays and thus could not go to India ... The
next message I got was my parents had passed away and as there
was no one to do the last rights the society members had done
whatever they could. I was depressed. My parents had passed
away without seeing their grand children.
After couple more years passed away, much to my children's
dislike and my wife's joy we returned to India to settle down.
I started to look for a suitable property, but to my dismay my
savings were short and the property prices had gone up during
all these years. I had to return to the USA...
My wife refused to come back with me and my children refused to
stay in India... My 2 children and I returned to USA after
promising my wife I would be back for good after two years.
Time passed by, my daughter decided to get married to an
American and my son was happy living in USA... I decided that
had enough and wound-up every thing and returned to India... I
had just enough money to buy a decent 02 bedroom flat in a
well-developed locality.
Now I am 60 years old and the only time I go out of the flat is
for the routine visit to the nearby temple. My faithful wife
has also left me and gone to the holy abode.
I wondered was it worth all this?
My father, even after staying in India,
Had a house to his name and I too have
the same nothing more.
I lost my parents and children for just ONE EXTRA BEDROOM.
Looking out from the window I see a lot of children dancing.
This damned cable TV has spoiled our new generation and these
children are losing their values and culture because of it. I
get occasional cards from my children asking I am alright. Well
at least they remember me.
Now perhaps after I die it will be the neighbors again who will
be performing my last rights, God Bless them.
But the question
remains 'was all this worth it?'
I am still searching for an answer.................!!!


Monday 23 February 2015

Shiv The Fearless Forever ( written by KUSHAGRA YADAV )

Many a times,we come across such person whose life influences not only our mind but even our soul.The aura which he creates around himself is extra ordinary and it feels like indulging in that limitless,boundless possibility of improvement.
    I am fortunate enough to find such persons around me,whose lives have encouraged me,inspired me and proved to be an example to lead a better and a life full of content.SHIV PRATAP SINGH is one such person.He is my friend,perrsuing bachelor degree in Information technology from the same college as I.This man is a real motivation for me.I will fall short of adjectives to define him.Needless to say he is extremely laborious,dedicated and curious to learn. But these qualities do not make him my role model,his temperament,patience and determination is what makes me to look upto him.
     He was not born with a silver spoon,neither he got bed of roses. His life was full of challenges. His father left him at an early age,leaving behind the world of sorrows. However he was nurtured by his mother and sisters,and got the basic education.His mother also is not physically and mentally sound but I salute to that lady who has bought up such an innovative,helping,amicable guy.Today when I visualize his past, I acknowledge how tough it would have been for me to get over those tough times and come up to such a level.He is now perusing engineering in one of the finest colleges in India. You enter his room and you will find him working on his laptop,ready to take a voyage on the ship of discoveries. He is a simple guy,pays least attention to the outward looks.
    Its not so that the tough times have made him monotonous or somewhat silent,rather he has a good sense of humor . He is interested in start-up of his own,for that he works really hard,working on his coding skills consistently.He may not get very high pointers as others but then too his curiosity to learn new things is unmatchable.Extremely humble,soft spoken,helping are some of his attributes.I try my best to be as consistent as him,but my will power is no match to his.
    No matter what I greatly admire him and feel lucky to find a friend like him. I wish he stays my friend forever and wish that he succeed in all his endeavors and make his mother ,sisters and friends proud......

Monday 15 December 2014

Sorry Girls!!!

Sorry Girls!!! Don't worry, today I'm not going to flirt and for that saying sorry to girls... I'm still as much serious as I had been in my previous Articles...
"Sorry Girls!!!", this topic struck into my mind 2-3 days ago, when my Mom told me something about Sushma Aunti ( One of my neighbors, Changed Name ).
Before coming to the main story I think you should know a little bit about Sushma Aunty. She has 2 children, one son ( studying in Dr. Virendra Swaroop Education Center, one of the best English medium school of Kanpur ) and one daughter ( studying in any of the local school in my locality ). See the quality difference of education they both are being provided. This is not enough son is having many coaching-classes and daughter is having nothing, again a big difference.
Now, the main thing is, Aunty told my mother that she'll educate her daughter till High-School and then she'll be get married. Don't worry, her son is on a safe play, as she has many dreams for her son. Good luck brother! Enjoy life, your mom is with you.
Till now you must have catch the reason why I'm writing today's article.
I'm not against that boy or any other boy ( at least I'm also a boy, Thank God! ), I'm just talking about the injustice that a girl is bearing. "Kyunki Yaar! Apne sath galat ho to bura lagta hai, magar dusron ke sath bura ho to thoda bahut bura to tab bhi lagta hai." ( I'm not that much selfish. )
Not only this, even in my relatives, there are many examples ( my GrandPa, Uncles etc. ); not only in my relatives, may be in your family too ( I wish this line is false. ).
Let me tell you about my GrandPa, he is father of 10 daughters. But think why? Just because of Greed for a Son. This example can be seen anywhere in society easily, but we say, Muslims are increasing their population. My Uncle, admitted her daughter in a local hindi medium school and son in a well known English medium school.
In this case I really respect those people so much who don't make any differences between their son and daughter ( at least in field of eduction ). I've one example for this also, My 12th class Chemistry Coach, he has two daughters and one son, but he is providing same facilities and same environment to his all children. Salute to you sir!

This is not all, throughout the life Girls/Women are treated so rudely. Let's see life of females...

School/College Life:
Their are many boys, they think themselves stud, and they use to have girlfriends like they are having some kind of stuff like Candy or Biscuit. Even some boys with name let say, ABC, they try to have relationship with girls starting their names from A, B and C.
This is what happen with a girl in her school/college life. This is not enough boys like above are called stud, playboy etc. among their friends but if a girl is only friend with two boys then she is called character-less, and many abusive-words are her nick-name. ( Shame on ourselves Guys! )

Before/After Marriage:
The only word in this section I've is "Dowry". This is one of the major reason for Girl-Chid-Abortion, Female Suicide, Parents cursing their Daughters and many more.
I've seen many marriages in which Parents and relatives of Bride are being disrespected by the Bridegroom's relatives. I never understand why. Why all this happens in a marriage? Why both parties can't have a same kind of respect feelings for each-other? Why Boy's party is superior to that of Girl's? I'm not becoming emotional but I'm totally against it.

Throughout the life, Why is a girl afraid of wolves likes boys, dowry-suckers etc? Why can a girl not go outside at night? And if she do so then Why is she called Character-less while Boys are never?

Respect for Girls, for Women, for NGOs fighting for their rights, for people against Dowry, for people those really think daughters are God's gift ( even they are really Goddess ).

Curse for those Mother-fu**er Dowry-suckers, for boys treating girls as a product of entertainment etc.

Really feel Sorry for Girls!!!

Akanshu Gupta
16 December 2014

Sunday 29 December 2013


Are you really going to commit a suicide? But why? Let me guess the reason may be your family is not good; may be you are betrayed by your lover; may be you are in debt; may be you are failed in your work or may be people of your surroundings annoy, torcher or ragg you that you are not smart or intelligent. Whatever it is but do you have only 2 minutes before your commitment. If, yes, so please read this article. May be you’ll change your mind.
Fine! Now if you are reading my article so it is my duty to make your suicide commitment fail. I’ll talk on suicide topics in decreasing order of their occurrence. First which I think, may be you have been failed in your work or in any examination which you or your family expected you to achieve. Forget it yaar na! “Jo nahi mila uske bare me soch-sosh kar dil kyun chhota karna?” see forward may be you have not qualified the examination because the other big achievement is waiting for you after it. Is the examination which you have not qualified was more important than your life? According to myself, the answer of this question will always be “No” for anyone. Or maybe you know that examination was not more important than your talent but you are going to suicide just after thinking that,”Papa kya kahenge; Mummy kya kahengi; ye kya kahenge; wo kya kahenge;wagairah-wagairah” oh! Just leave them,” Kuch to log kahenge logo ka kaam hai kahena.” My advice for you, just look inside you, every person is full of fantastic ideas . put anyone from one of them living inside you. This world is really very huge platform just perform your idea on it and definitely one day you will be at that place where you may never reach after qualifying that rubbish your examination. And do you know why I’m so sure about your success in your idea because the idea is “your”, not of your family or teachers. Now if you are satisfied with me then don’t leave the article here I’ve many things for you. Keep on reading.
Now come close to our “lovers”. You are going to die because either your loveone has betrayed you or he/she has gone far away from you due to other reasons. If he/she have betrayed you so tell me one thing,”Are you mad?” that you are going to die for the person who even don’t love you or doesn’t have any care about you. Oh! Just leave him/her forget him/her. That person is not able for your precious love my friend, even I would say he/she is not worthy for your anger too. We are now more than seven million, just leave him/her,’ Ek se ek khubshurat chehre pade hai is duniya me, ek gaya to dusra ayege, dusra gaya to teesra………..Ye sab to chalta hi rahega.” Be practical my friend.
Now for those whose loveone become far away from them due to any other reasons. Friend! Whatever had happened and whatever will, is not in our hand. We are here to just perform our works. I’ll again say,”Whatever bad is happening with us is just because any other better thing is waiting for us.” Now just wipe your eyes and step forward, do your duties so well that in case if you again meet your lover in your future there will rest no reason which can repeat the bad history again.
Now the third category may be for those people who are being annoyed or insulted by their surrounding people just because of their any tiny weakness. Before talking to you I would like to tell you about an extract from the Mahabharata. You definitely have listened about Dronacharya. He was the great person who was able to function or control any weapon of his time excellently. He had all the knowledge of the world and he was the instructor of Pandavas as well as Kauravas . Once , in his time, he was insulted by his bosom friend king Dhrupad. Dhrupad made laugh of his knowledge and teaching. Guru Dron was much able to take revenge by himself at that moment. But he did not do that he decided that I’ll take revenge by my teaching. I’ll train and teach some yuvarajs who can take revenge in place of me. And with his owe he taught yuvrajs of the Hastinapur and took revenge from his friend as he planned.
May be you all have guessed why I presented this story before you. I’m trying to say if you are being insulted so don’t finish yourself. If you do so then you will make them unexceptionably right. Just work on your weakness, keep practicing and keep performing,” Are ek baar nahi hoga, Do baar nahi Hoga……..Kabhi to hoga.” Human brain is so powerful we can do anything we want just make it believe for your mind to be possible and then see how your mind also changes the impossible things into the possible one. Don’t let your insulter go without your reply see them what you are by your performance.
 It’s time for those who are in either in debt or have done any wrong  work that they are sure that people will kill you. Tell me one thing, if you are so sure that people will definitely kill you so why are you committing suicide by yourself and taking sin on you. Do you know according to Hindu Mythology there is a book called the Garunpuran. In the book there is a brief description about the punishments that are given us for our bad works after our death In hell. And there is also a very dangerous punishment described for those who attempt a suicide. Believe me it is the worst punishment written in the book for any other sin.
Just accept your guilt and ask for sometime to make the things right again may be you will be believed as Tata Sky use to keep on saying,”Puchne me kya jata hai? if you have done bad with others then you will not be happy after your death too. Do something good for the helpless people. You will definitely have heaven.
Now the last is for everyone, may be you are living in the worst situations in the world but learn from that rose which is happy and make others happy after living among lots of thrown. We don’t have any control on circumstances, if we have control on anything that is ourselves. We can make changes into us only other will not always obey us blindly. So just face the world because life is nothing but a series of survivals.
After all this I would love to talk to those who think that after committing suicide they will proof that they have guts to suicide. There is no bravery in this act. If commitment of a suicide is an act of bravery then there will be much bravery needed to live life without attempting it so be brave not coward because history also remembers only the brave. And if you think that after death you’ll go to God and say him to give you rebirth so that you may start from beginning and in your next life you will not repeat the mistakes that you have made in this life, so this all is rubbish. Let the God exist and He can gave us new life so tell me one thing why would God give you new life? As you have wasted one and let if He agree then what is the guarantee that you will not repeat your mistakes in your next life. You even will not be able to remember all this. So please don’t do this with yourself. Live this life. It is the gift of God to us. Don’t waste it.
NOTE: If my this article have saved your life so please let me inform I’ll be glad to hear from you.

Written by-

5th DEC. 2013; 11:20pm

Wednesday 27 November 2013


I was in my school and this was first period when my class teacher Mr. Manan Prasad said in my class that 15th august was coming so who could give a speech on that occasion in english. Suddenly he turned to me and said,"Gupta! can you....?" this was because, I am his one of the most favourite students. At this situation only for Mr. M.Pd. I totally forgot that I was planing not to go school on 15th Aug. and replied,"Yes." And from here the cause of my guilt begins.

6-7 DAYS BEFORE 15th AUG. 2012
I was thinking that by saying that I am unable to come to school on 15 I could take my name back from 15th Aug. speech and I tried for it. Again Mr. M.Pd. asked me,"Gupta! Is your speech ready?" I said,"Sir! there's a problem." SIR-"Yeah! Tell me!" ME- "Sir I am unable to attend college on 15th Aug. Can you....." SIR (frequently)-"No!No! My dear! you can't step back. This is a matter of our reputation."
 Then I said,"Okay sir! No problem! I'll be ready."

Morning at 10:30 I went to Maths coaching and stayed there till 1:30pm. Then went to Armapur for using net with Shiv Pratap and Nitesh.
I went to net for two reasons:-
(i) I had to collect a Pay in Slip for a form registration.
(ii) To compel a speech on 15th Aug. through internet.
I succeed in both of above till 2:30 and back to my home at 3:00pm.

MONDAY 13th AUG. 2012
At morning, I became very sick and was suffering from really high fever so I didn't go to college. Before 10:30 I found my health to be good. So I attended my classes of evening from 5:00pm to 8:00pm without any problem. Now it was time for the Maths and I found suddenly my health seeming not so good. In the class, I requested to turn off the fan and was trembling from fever even the fan was off. But I read read till 10:00pm in a very bad condition. When I went to home I just took medicine and without taking food I slept. My Mom-Dad was so tense from my this condition but what could I do?

TUESDAY-14th AUG.2012
At morning I got the call of Mr. M.Pd. at pairs of minute after my awakening. He said,"Yeah! Akanshu. why are you not attending school since yesterday? You also haven't show me your speech. Is it ready?" I replied,"Yes Sir! It is ready but my health is not too good to attend the college." I was shocked by his next line as he didn't care or ask about my health and started saying,"Are you trying to say that you are not going to attend the 15th Aug. function." I said,"No Sir! I don't mean so. I'll try my best to attend the function tomorrow." And he said,"Okay." and and cut the call without asking anything about my health. Strange! I'm his favourite student.

I was sure that I was going to attend the function as I  was saying to my friends to surely attend the function because I'm going to give a speech and I attended it.
I reached there. My friends Kavita and Sapna asked me,"Why was you not present last two days?" I told about my illness.then Kavita said,"Oh! I see, you were very ill in R.K. Sir's coaching." She replied in the manner that I was trying to lie. Then Sapna told me that Mr. M.Pd. is calling us. We both rushed there. He asked Sapna,"Is your speech ready?" Sapna repliad in positive. Then he asked me the same question. I replied that I've not perfectly prepared it but I can do it. He said," What happen! you were not coming!" I said," No Sir! I didn't said that. I said I'll try my all." He said," No! No! Don't lie you are here to get the prize. Not to give speech." I tried to say him that his statement was wrong. But he again said."All boys are same." Then I lost my temper and said," So you think , I'm here for gift. So just take your gift and I'm going."
I came back in anger. I was thinking that I did nothing wrong.
I came out with a friend of mine, Rahul Kumar Maurya. Then I came to home. I was tremendously tensed and angry. My Mom got it and asked me what had hapened. I said nothing. But after a long while I told to my mom and wept.



I was sure what I have to do. At the morning, usually Mr. Manan came to class and taught us. And after teaching when he was going to staff-room, I caught him and said," Sir! I am really sorry for what I did on 15th August. I insulted you just because you said that but sir you were also not right, I came there only for delivering a speech. Please, Forgive me."
Sir replied," No problem my dear, I know you are a good boy and sometimes misunderstandings occurs. I Don't feel that on my heart. No problem."

And I was so happy because I realized my guilt and begged pardon for it.
"My guilt was insulting sir. And I realized that whatever Sir said to me was due to anger and he even don't knew about my health so anybody even me could do the same thing."THERE WAS NO FAULT OF SIR.

Written on:- 17th december 2012; 3:17 pm.